About Me

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College freshman with sophomore credits, 18, female, scared to death, but excited.



We were asked to blog about the article "Computer wins on 'Jeopardy!'; Trivial, It's Not" by John Markoff. Here it is:

I think it's pretty fantastic that we're finding out how to make our technology so smart. Personally, I'm not entirely worried about the computers taking over the world in the sense of world domination. However, I am worried about computers taking the jobs of people. For example, at Walmart, how some of them have self-checkouts. Giving live human beings would be more beneficial in our economy, when finding jobs is so hard, than letting customers ring themselves up. Especially since so many of them don't even work right. If computers are getting smarter, they may take over bigger jobs. Which means people could lose bigger paychecks. That's my biggest worry.

Otherwise, I welcome our new computer overlords.


Personally, I'm not a fan of Orlan's "bio-art." I think she had revolutionary ideas and that she was a great artist, certainly. She pushed the boundaries and challenged people, and that's one of the major points of art. She also did some pretty awesome performance pieces for feminism, and I respect her for all of those things.

But, personally, the idea of going in for a surgery that has risks of complications that could kill you is just too much for me. Altering my body into grotesque forms in the name of art is just not my cup of tea. I understand why she did it; I understand the message; I get what she was doing. It's just too much for me.

That said, I've noticed Lady Gaga has been referencing some of her art work in her videos. The body modifications, the heads on tables, the blatant sexuality; she worked Orlan's message into her pieces very well.

Flip Book - An Experiment

My flip book had a story. It was about a little bird that brought a flower to his lover bird, who then found a strange feather on him. The lover bird freaked out, and kicked out the original bird. I panned down in the tree they were in until you saw the owl sitting beneath the nest. The owl says "HOOT!" which transforms into a boy's glasses. You see the original bird fly into the picture, hit the boy, get a strange feather stuck to him, pick the flower, and then fly away.

Conclusion: my bird was innocent the whole time and the lover bird overreacted.

Apparently I never took or uploaded photos of my flip book, and I can't find it since I've packed for the end of the semester. Here's the best I've got, me working on the book:


Paul Allen


It seems to me that the development of computer and internet technology has been fraught with copycats and under-the-table deals, so this article didn't really surprise me. I'm not a fan of the computer superpower companies deciding to just steal from one another, rather than collaborating. Imagine how far and how fast technology would go if Microsoft, Google, Apple, and any of the other big names teamed up together. That's neither here nor there though.

I'm not surprised Microsoft was arrogant enough to think they had nothing to worry about from Google or that they thought they could catch up to them in six months. Most of the major companies do seem to have this arrogant attitude; whether it comes from the money they've made or the success they've had, I'm not sure. But it seems to me, they could do without it. This story made me a little more of a fan of Google. The more I learn about Microsoft though, the less I think of them.

Performance Art Project

Things I learned from this project:

  1. I cannot lip sync.
  2. I should never pursue an acting career.
  3. A lot of people see something unusual and strange in their environment and just decide to ignore it and pretend it's not there. Very strange to me.
  4. I can never play poker.
  5. I am not a performance artist. Maybe someday I'll miraculously evolve into one, but as of today, this is not my forte.
  6. Choose your videographer wisely and make sure they know exactly what you need them to capture.
  7. How to use iMovie. This was my first project edited in it. I'm rather proud of it.

P.S. Sorry I haven't updated my blog very much. I have all of the posts that I need started in drafts. Most of them are halfway done or more, I just haven't gotten around to finishing and uploading them.