About Me

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College freshman with sophomore credits, 18, female, scared to death, but excited.


Xerox Project - This is me... All of me.

I included the covers of my favorite Harry Potter books because they made me who I am as much as my fingerprints and footprints do.


Banana for Andy Warhol. And because I love bananas.

Technology has always caught my eye. I have an inner nerd.

Very appropriate for our project.

My belly. I've struggled my whole life with my weight. A part of me doesn't know what I'd do without this part of my body. Become an exotic dancer? Play on a sports team? I may never know, and sometimes I'm ok with that.

When Santi talked in class about his foot project, I immediately connected to it. I've struggled with what my podiatrist calls dermatitis my whole life. I've tried a lot of lotions and medicine, and nothing clears up the cuts and dry skin. I understood what Santi meant with his project; when there's a wound on your foot, you feel it every day and you can't escape it, because you've always got to walk, or run, or dance.

Originally I attempted gluing hinges to the mirrors. They stuck, but the cardboard on the back of the mirrors couldn't hold onto the plastic border. I resorted to yarn and wrapped it around to hold the mirrors upright.

A single ear, cut out, in honor of Van Gogh. I've always loved studying art, and the fact that you've got to be at least a little (or in Van Gogh's case, a lot) crazy to create something new and beautiful.

Also I chose mirrors because when people look at the piece, I want them to see themselves as much as I see myself.

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